


Contribute to the New Jersey Association for Justice PAC




New Jersey Association for Justice PAC is the political action committee of the New Jersey Association for Justice. It is a nonpartisan organization created in 1987. Its purpose is to make financial contributions to New Jersey State legislative candidates and gubernatorial candidates who will work to protect the legal rights of the citizens of New Jersey. Funds for these contributions come solely from donations by members.

New Jersey Association for Justice PAC carries the message of our organization to our state leaders. Issues such as auto insurance reform, medical negligence, consumer rights, workers' compensation, and other issues of concern to members and their clients are a part of our agenda in Trenton. Contributions are made to the campaigns of those candidates who have demonstrated their support of the civil justice system. Your voice can be heard more effectively by joining with other committed New Jersey Association for Justice members to send a message that you care about the decisions your elected representatives make.


PAC members make regular monthly contributions to the PAC fund. The easiest way to make a regular contribution is to sign a PAC card. PAC contribution cards for this purpose are available at NJAJ PAC headquarters or on our web site. A PAC contribution card must be filled out, signed, and returned to NJAJ PAC Headquarters for processing.

Download the NJAJ PAC Monthly Contribution Card

New Jersey Election Laws prohibit contributions of more than $14,400 per election cycle (primary and general election) to NJAJ PAC. Federal law and State law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employers for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 for federal PACs and $200 state PACs in a calendar year. Federal law prohibits federal political committees from accepting corporate contributions. The State of New Jersey does allow corporate contributions to a state political committee. Contributions to political committees are strictly voluntary and no member will be subject to reprisal for declining to contribute. The contribution amount is merely a suggestion and each member is free to contribute more or less than that amount, although particular designations shall apply to those who contribute certain amounts.


New Jersey Association for Justice Political Action Committee
150 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608

Phone: 609-396-0666
Fax: 609-396-2463


... working to protect the rights of accident victims, consumers and members

"supporting the efforts to carry the message of our organization to state leaders"