

Message from the President

The New Jersey Association for Justice is here to help trial lawyers.

We advocate as amicus curiae in cases before the New Jersey Supreme Court and the Appellate Division striving to create good law.

We advocate before the Legislature on bills that help improve the lives of the clients we represent and we regularly offer public comments on proposed changes to court rules. The NJAJ PAC carries the message of our organization to our state leaders. Issues such as auto insurance reform, medical negligence, consumer rights, workers' compensation, and other issues of concern to members and their clients are a part of our agenda in Trenton.

Through the NJAJ Educational Foundation we offer quality Continuing Legal Education that lawyers in New Jersey need whether in large-scale events like the Boardwalk Seminar®, the Meadowlands Seminar and the Winter Seminar or on-demand courses from theCLEstore, in person or on-demand.

We work to help trial lawyers help each other through our List Servers where practitioners offer help and advice. If you are not a List Server subscriber, sign up now to take advantage of this valuable member benefit.

We come together to share and network and forge relationships among trial lawyers throughout New Jersey.

NJAJ is here for you.

Patricia M. Giordano, Esq.
President, New Jersey Association for Justice